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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


The consequences of short squeezes

    Short selling – betting on a stock to fall in price by borrowing shares to sell them, hoping to buy them back at a future date at a lower price – is risky because losses are unlimited (unlike going long, where...


Fees and charges make a big difference to investors

    Fees and charges can have a huge impact on any investor’s overall returns, particularly as they compound over time. As financial journalist MOIRA O’NEILL explains in this video though, an important (and often overlooked) fact is that investors can exert far...


Learn to embrace uncertainty

      Human beings dislike uncertainty. It’s an adaptive trait that has helped us to navigate complex environments, make safer choices, and foster social bonds, all of which have contributed to our species’ survival and success. But this dislike of uncertainty can...


Do markets reward firms for being more green?

    In our book, Your Essential Guide to Sustainable Investing, Sam Adams and I explained that economic theory suggests that if a large enough proportion of investors choose to favour companies with high sustainability ratings and avoid those with low sustainability ratings...


Crypto investing is more like gambling

    Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been a hot topic in investing in recent years. But can crypto investing really be classed as investing at all? In this video, the financial journalist and host of BBC’s Money Box, PAUL LEWIS, explains why it...


The growth of hedge funds is the greatest financial anomaly

    “Hedge funds are the only component of Wall Street that is built pretty much entirely upon myth. Few areas of financial endeavour have been a subject of so many hoary myths, moronic half-truths, goofy speculation, once-true falsehoods, and knucklehead fantasies.”  ...


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