Robin’s Reads, Week 07, 2020

Posted by Robin Powell on February 15, 2020

Robin’s Reads, Week 07, 2020





Are you prepared for the next market downturn? (Mark Hebner) 

How bull markets breed complacency — and how to guard against it (Ben Carlson) 

300 years on, have we learned anything from the the South Sea Bubble? (Patrick Cairns) 

From the 1970s to today: a timeline of ESG investing (Jess Liu) 

Is the value premium dead? Sorry, says Ken French, I don’t know (Amy Whyte) 

Lower returns for smokers underline the importance of self-control (Joachim Klement) 


Personal finance

A new app helps parents to educate their children about money (Emma Lunn) 

Four books to change how you think about your money (Vicki Owen) 

Get rich by cutting your spending: the biggest lie in personal finance (Nick Maggiulli) 

Games you can play to develop frugal habits (Trent Hamm)


The fund industry

The BS excuses fund managers come up with and what they really mean

(Leanna Orr) 


Are investors finally tiring of rip-off hedge fund fees and dire performance? (Julie Segal) 


The advice profession

Josh Brown on how to make investing relevant to a younger audience (Chris Matthews) 

If your client rejects your advice, should you still handle their money? (Patrick Cairns) 

The future of personalised, tailored financial advice (April Rudin) 

How much should advisers spend on client acquisition? (Michael Kitces) 


Content marketing

Is it time to rethink “brainstorming”? (Shane Snow)

A reminder of social media’s potential for positivity (Carrie Mash)

The Hollywood film that reminds us of the huge importance of SEO (Julia Alexander)



Should the climate crisis be taught in schools? (Fiona Harvey)

Reducing food waste should be a high priority for everyone (Helen Briggs) 

The environmental benefits of sustainably grown cocoa (Timothy Pearson)

Photo of “squabbling mice” wins people’s choice wildlife photography award (Jonathan Amos) 



Could wearable tech spot early onset of Alzheimer’s? (Jane Wakefield) 

Successful figures share how they overcome “imposter syndrome” (Candice Georgiadis) 

From hair gummies to detox teas, 2020’s diet trends debunked (Martha Roberts)

What people can learn from the winter habits of animals (Katherine May) 



Robin Powell

Robin is a journalist and campaigner for positive change in global investing. He runs Regis Media, a niche provider of content marketing for financial advice firms with an evidence-based investment philosophy. He also works as a consultant to other disruptive firms in the investing sector.


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