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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


How good are Vanguard’s active funds?

    Investors, and indeed financial professionals and commentators, are often confused by the fact that Vanguard provides actively managed funds. I must admit, as one of Vanguard’s biggest fans, that it slightly puzzles me too. Vanguard is, of course, virtually synonymous with...


Do you have enough water in your whisky?

The intellectual argument between evidence-based investing and the big fund  management companies is an embarrassingly uneven contest. They have their in-house “research” teams (often closely connected to the marketing department), while we, on our side, have some of the greatest minds in academic...


It’s time for a serious debate on the LGPS

  As someone who has closely followed the growth of low-cost indexing, the aspect of it I find most surprising is how, until now, the debate has focused almost entirely on personal investors. In terms of managed assets, institutional investing is far bigger,...


No one said investing was going to be easy

I’m often asked whether people actually need to use a financial adviser. The simple answer, strictly speaking, is no. But it comes with an important caveat: they may well come to regret it if they don’t. Before we get on to that, we...


Simple steps to financial wellbeing

I’m often asked to recommend a book about personal finance, and one that I’m pointing people towards just now is a new book by Jason Butler called Money Moments: Simple Steps to Financial Wellbeing. Jason was one of the founders of the London-based...


What clients of financial advisers really value

  According to a new survey, only ten per cent of Britons currently have financial advisers. Aegon polled more than 900 people and found that 47% make financial decisions on their own and 40% make decisions with their partner or spouse. The survey...


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