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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


Friction cost — the biggest single drag on your returns

Most people have never heard of it. The industry doesn’t talk about it and you rarely read about it in the media. But friction, or frictional, cost is a concept that every investor needs to understand.


What sort of evidence should investors rely on?

Evidence. So, we’ve explained the name, evidence-based investing. We’ve also looked at how it’s possible to use “evidence” to claim almost anything. What sort of evidence, then, can investors rely on? In short, it’s academic evidence. But even then you need to be on...


Keep calm and carry on

Of all the pithy tips that Jack Bogle has imparted to investors over the years, my favourite is this, “Nobody knows nothing”. The investing industry earns a fortune from the notion that it knows what the future holds. As the outcome of the...


How to win at investing – Video 10/10

Win at investing. We’ve reached the tenth and final video in this series. Until now we’ve focused on the individual investor; how the industry encourages us to play a game we cannot win; and how we can we can still enjoy a successful...


How to win at investing – Video 9/10

Win at investing. After costs, the average passive investor must outperform the average active investor. That’s not a theory; it’s simple arithmetic. But there is a very important caveat: It only works if you have the discipline to stay the course. The penultimate...


Introducing… Index Funds The Movie!

  I’m quite excited about my latest video project. I don’t want to say too much about it — I’d rather you watched the videos instead. Index funds.  Suffice it to say, it’s a 70-minute film that I’ve produced in conjunction with Mark...


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