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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


Fooled by randomness? You need one of these

  If he were alive today, I suspect Sir Francis Galton would subscribe to the Evidence-Based Investor. Heck, I’d probably hand him the editorship and let him get on with it. Galton was born in 1822 in Birmingham, England, about a mile from...


Financial advice for babies everywhere

  Of the thousands of financial writers in the world today, there are probably about a dozen whose financial advice really is worth reading, and Morgan Housel is definitely one of them. Anyone can rehash press releases, wax lyrical about the latest investment...


Why fund houses couldn’t give a fig about poor performance

  There’s been so much scorn heaped on hedge funds for their dismal performance and exorbitant fees that you could be forgiven for wondering how much longer the industry can survive. Fund houses. The fact that two of the most famous living investors,...


Need investment advice? Don’t ask a stockbroker

  It’s impossible not to feel extremely sorry for James and Julia Bagot. The pensioners from Essex thought they were doing the right thing by paying a prestigious City of London stockbroking firm to invest their life savings on their behalf. Over a...


The joy of investing in auto mode

  I love America and feel very much at home there. But get in a car and I instantly become your typical Englishman abroad. No, it’s not driving on the wrong side of the road that bothers me, or forgetting that I’m allowed...


#SFTW: Godfrey-gate special!

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND Godfrey. It will doubtless barely register on the Richter scale for most investors, but this has been a seismic week for the UK fund industry. First, two of the country’s biggest asset managers, Schroders and M&G, announced they were...


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