Is it worth writing a book?

Posted by TEBI on August 29, 2023

Is it worth writing a book?


Robin writes:

Every serious author will tell you that it’s a huge commitment. But is it worth writing a book?

Put it this way: to quote the Church of England Marriage Service, it must not be undertaken carelessly, lightly, or selfishly, but reverently, responsibly, and after serious thought.

So, if you do decide to write one, what’s the best way to go about it? And, if you have a co-author, like I have had on both of my books so far, what is the most efficient way of dividing the workload?

It was a pleasure to speak to Alison Jones from The Extraordinary Business Book Club for her excellent podcast about my experiences of writing the award-winning How to Fund the Life You Want with Jonathan Hollow.

I hope would-be authors find it helpful.




How to Fund the Life You Want by Robin Powell and Jonathan Hollow is published by Bloomsbury and is primarily aimed at a UK audience.

Buy the book here on Amazon, or, if your prefer, here on




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