One movie you need to watch this Christmas

Posted by Robin Powell on December 25, 2019

One movie you need to watch this Christmas



Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without movies.

Everyone has their favourites — Elf and It’s a Wonderful Life for me. And thanks to streaming services like Netflix, we are no longer at the mercy of the TV schedulers. (Is it just me, by the way, or was The Wizard of Oz the Christmas Day film on BBC 1 for the entire 1970s and early 80s?)

But how about watching a movie that will teach you something very valuable this Christmas?

It’s now two years since we originally launched Index Funds the Movie, and we’ve since updated it. Based on Mark Hebner’s excellent book, The12-Step Program for Active Investors, it sets out the case for evidence-based investing. Mark is the founder of Index Fund Advisors in California — TEBI’s strategic partner in the United States.

Hey, the movie didn’t win an Oscar, but it has picked up a clutch of awards.

The full-length film is 72 minutes long, so why not settle down with a bucket of popcorn and watch it some time over the Christmas period. For the time-poor, there’s an abridged, 16-minute version. Alternatively, you can watch it in 12 separate parts — one part for each day of Christmas.

Here they are:

Step 1: Active Investors

Step 2: Nobel Laureates

Step 3: Stock Pickers

Step 4: Time Pickers

Step 5: Manager Pickers

Step 6: Style Drifters

Step 7: Silent Partners

Step 8: Riskese

Step 9: History

Step 10: Risk Capacity

Step 11: Risk Exposure

Step 12: Invest and Relax

If you enjoy Index Funds The Movie, you’ll find a wide range of videos on the website. I would also encourage you to read the IFA blog.

Happy viewing… and Happy Christmas too!


Picture: Krists Luhaers via Unsplash




Robin Powell

Robin is a journalist and campaigner for positive change in global investing. He runs Regis Media, a niche provider of content marketing for financial advice firms with an evidence-based investment philosophy. He also works as a consultant to other disruptive firms in the investing sector.


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