Should you put off investing amid uncertainty?

Posted by TEBI on July 21, 2023

Should you put off investing amid uncertainty?



A question that new investors often ask is whether they should hold off investing during times of uncertainty.

It can be tempting to wait on the sidelines until things become clearer — especially if there are stock pundits forecasting a crash or correction. But is it logical? Here’s JONATHAN HOLLOW.






JONATHAN HOLLOW worked for the UK Government’s Money and Pensions Service and is a writer and commentator on consumer education and protection. He is the co-author, with Robin Powell, of the award-winning book How to Fund the Life You Want, which is published by Bloomsbury.



Getting Started is a series of videos aimed at first-time investors. Here are some others you may have missed:

Should I invest in shares? 

How much risk should I be taking?

How do I invest tax-efficiently?



It’s not essential nowadays to seek professional financial advice before you start to invest, but it is definitely a good idea to do so. We also recommend that everyone has a financial plan.

If you would like us to put you in touch with a financial planner in your area, who shares our evidence-based investment philosophy, just click here and send us your email address, and we’ll see if we can help.


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