Vast majority of UK fund managers “genuinely unskilled”

Posted by Robin Powell on November 10, 2015

Genuinely unskilled.

I feel privileged to be asked to contribute occasional articles to the CFA Institute blog, Enterprising Investor. The Institute does excellent work, all around the world, in promoting the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society.

My first post for Enterprising Investor is on a study of UK active equity fund managers which concludes that:

  1. the vast majority of fund managers are “genuinely unskilled”, and
  2. even those very few managers who do beat the market consistently “extract the whole of this superior performance for themselves via their fees, leaving nothing for investors”.

You can read the article here:

UK Active Fund Managers: Analyzing Their Value


ROBIN POWELL is a freelance journalist and the founding editor of The Evidence-Based Investor. Based in Birmingham, England, he founded Ember Television and Regis Media, and he specialties in helping disruptive financial firms to grow. He also campaigns for a fair, transparent and sustainable investing industry. You can follow him on Twitter at @RobinJPowell.



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Robin Powell

Robin is a journalist and campaigner for positive change in global investing. He runs Regis Media, a niche provider of content marketing for financial advice firms with an evidence-based investment philosophy. He also works as a consultant to other disruptive firms in the investing sector.


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