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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


#SFTW: Shopping lists are fine for groceries, not for stocks

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND Shopping Jim Cramer has one of the most famous faces on US television. A former hedge fund manager and best-selling author, he’s now a full-time celebrity who imparts his stock-picking expertise to anyone who will listen. And they do....


Warning — this man could seriously damage your wealth

  Jim Cramer has one of the most famous faces on US television. A former hedge fund manager and best-selling author, he’s now a full-time celebrity who imparts his stock-picking expertise to anyone who will listen. And they do. The CNBC presenter is...


Having your cake and eating it — the myth of downside protection

  There are all sorts of myths that it suits the fund industry to perpetuate, perhaps the most insidious of which is that active funds are better than passive in bear markets. Index funds, we keep being told, fall with the markets whereas...


What would Seth Godin say about the Investment Association?

  The author, blogger and marketer Seth Godin has a brilliant way of encapsulating in just a few words the challenges that organisations face and how to deal with them — and I couldn’t help but think of the Investment Association and its...


How to improve financial journalism at a stroke

  I miss curling up on the sofa with the weekend papers. Having them delivered to my Kindle isn’t quite the same. There again, I seriously feared disappearing under a mountain of newsprint if I didn’t make the switch. No wonder you don’t...


#SFTW: The (reversion to the) mean machine

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND Machine. Sir Francis Galton loved upsetting people. The Church of England didn’t take kindly to his statistical analysis of the power of prayer (he wasn’t a big fan); nor were women too impressed with his beauty map of Britain,...


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