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How do fund managers invest their own money?

    New research identifies active fund managers as a community under threat. In this video, we talked to King’s College London academic Professor CRAWFORD SPENCE about his findings and how many fund managers do not actually believe their own hype, and invest their own money differently.   TRANSCRIPT Robin Powell: The evidence shows...


The myth of average returns

  An interesting observation I’ve made in the years I’ve been writing about investing is that the same myths are repeated again and again, and passed down from one generation to the next. Take the myth that index investors receive average returns or,...


Why wouldn’t you? The case for sustainable indexing

  “Would you like to invest in a way that helps to combat climate change and generally makes the world a better place?” Faced with that question, most people, I suspect, would want to say Yes. The only logical reason I can think...


Once you learn about EBI, you can’t unlearn it — Carolyn Gowen

  I sometimes feel like a voice in the wilderness as an advocate of evidence-based investing in the UK; TEBI has a much bigger following in North America than it does in Britain. But, thankfully, there are more people writing about it now...


WIth funds and football, hiring and firing managers isn’t the answer

  There can hardly be a football club chairman in the world who hasn’t at some point had the urge to sack the manager. Fans know the feeling too. The current incumbent offered such promise when he first arrived, but after two or...


New video explaining what EBI is

  To coincide with #TEBAbirmingham, our very first conference for evidence-based financial advisers*, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new animated video called, What is evidence-based investing? Produced by our colleagues at Regis Media, the video is three minutes long...


It’s only human to ignore the evidence in front of us

  Logically, the best way to make sensible choices in life is to assemble the relevant information, weigh up the evidence before us, and then make a decision on the strength of it. Unfortunately, it usually doesn’t work like that. In fact the...


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