The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.
As anyone who’s read The Evidence-Based Investor will tell you, beating the market is extremely difficult. On a properly cost- and risk- adjusted basis, very few investors outperform for long periods, and that includes the professionals.
Like ordinary investors, professional portfolio managers have a choice. You can carry on trying to pick the asset classes and individual funds and securities you think will outperform, and then rotate out of them before they revert to the mean. If you do, the overwhelming probability is that, in the long run, you will fail.
Alternatively, you can choose to invest in an evidence-based way — by reducing your fees, diversifying broadly and by simply aiming to capture the returns of the financial markets in the most efficient way.
Independent portfolio reviews
We are pleased to announce that, from today, The Evidence-Based Investor, in conjunction with our friends and colleagues at Finominal, is providing an independent portfolio review service for institutional investors, professional clients and eligible counterparties in the UK and the US.
Finominal is a financial technology company, headquartered in London, which empowers investors to optimise their portfolios and improve their investment outcomes.
For a special introductory price of £950, we will
— review your portfolio and tell you how its performance compares to that of the broader market
— show you how you can reduce your fees, reduce complexity and increase diversification
— present you with different combinations of funds that will increase your chances of achieving better outcomes
— give you the chance to question Finominal’s founder Nicolas Rabener and TEBI’s Robin Powell about our findings in a one-hour video meeting, and
— present the findings of your portfolio review in an in-depth report with charts and analysis
Superior outcomes
Announcing the collaboration, TEBI founder Robin Powell said: “I have hugely admired the work of Finominal and its founder, Nicolas Rabener, for many years. Nicolas has a thorough grasp of the academic evidence on how best to invest, including the latest data, as well as the cheapest and most efficient investment products available. He’s a true champion of evidence-based investing and it’s an honour to collaborate with him on this new portfolio review service.”
Nicolas Rabener said: “Most institutional portfolios are either too expensive, too complicated or insufficiently diversified. We have the technology to identify precisely what the problems are and to suggest appropriate remedies. I am sure that our new collaboration with TEBI will help professional UK investors to achieve better outcomes.”
Value for money
This is a one-off consultancy service we are offering. There are no ongoing fees or commitments. We are completely independent of product providers and don’t receive any compensation from third parties.
We are confident that, in the vast majority of cases, the amount that clients save on fees as a result of their portfolio review will far outweigh the cost of the review.
Again, the service is exclusively for institutional investors, professional clients and eligible counterparties in the UK as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority. It is not intended for retail investors.
Click here for more information on our portfolio review service and to book a free 15-minute demonstration.
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